Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Getting Started

Happy Ash Wednesday!  It's the first day of Lent.  Sugar, caffine, salt, alcohol, and fat...or maybe meat, candy, cocktails, and snacks often find themselves on a 40 day hiatus around this time of the liturgical calendar (since Easter moves, lent moves so this time of *year* isn't a fair statement).  The chaplain at Sweet Briar talked about adding a meditation to the daily round instead of cutting one away.  I have been meaning to get more disciplined about writing every day, and I want to take the next 40 days to do two things:  write daily and chronicle creative projects, many of which I learned about online (I am looking at you, Pintrest!). 

Like many in my demographic, I spend more time than is strictly necessary surfing the internet for great ideas.  Often when I find one, I observe that the primary poster gives simple instructions how you too can do this amazing thing.  At home!  With stuff you probably have around! Friends and other acolytes comment adoringly that the project looks great and "wow" and "can't wait for ____ and then I will make/buy/cook/order" the thing...but those commenters lack action.

I am already working on the stuff I am interested in and I am going to take the next 40 days to write them down.  If I want to do it, I am not going to pin it and drool...I am going to save the instructions and then follow them.

Over 40 days I am concerned I won't be able to keep up with myself...some of these projects take a lot of time.  For today, we can check off opening a blog.  For tomorrow, my default will be to define what a Craft Idiot is and why I chose it as my blog name and if I can get it together, I will write up my Mardi Gras projects (even though those should be put away until next year...because Mardi Gras leads UP to Ash Wednesday, and the celebration should be complete by now).

Until then, it's time to rest up.  The time until Easter is going to be busy!

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